
Spirits refer to alcoholic beverages with a higher alcohol concentration, usually distilled spirits with an alcohol content of more than 40%. These high-alcohol spirits often require a distillation process to increase the alcohol content, and the different types of ingredients and preparation methods result in a variety of different types of spirits.

Some common types of spirits include:

Whiskey: Usually made from different types of grains, such as barley, corn, rye or wheat. It can be divided into Scotch whiskey, Irish whiskey, bourbon whiskey and other styles.

Tequila: Mainly brewed from the blue agave plant, native to Mexico. Common tequilas include white tequila and aged tequila.

Vodka: A colorless, odorless spirit usually brewed from distilled grains or potatoes. It is a fairly versatile alcohol that is often used in cocktails.

Cognac: From the Cognac region of France, it is mainly made from grapes and undergoes a specific distillation and aging process.

Rum: Brewed from sugar cane juice or sugar cane molasses, from the Caribbean. Its flavor and texture vary depending on the aging process and the way it is prepared.

Spirits are often consumed with caution due to their high alcohol content and are sometimes used in cocktails or as ingredients in cooking.